Getting Dressed

The anticipation of what will happen
When you get dressed
Is more than I can bear
This phase is going on forever 
And it’s one I can never share
With anyone 
As it’s first thing in the morning
Getting dressed for school
And it might not be a phase anyway
It might not be a phase at all.
Every morning you throw your pants about
You scream and shout
Complain about your leggings
You won’t put on your socks
They’re falling down
They’re itchy
They’re scratchy
I hate leggings
You’re not helping me
Stop helping me
We try getting dressed at the same time
But you yell You’ve got your pants on before me
And you collapse in a heap crying
I’ve tried getting dressed slowly
So slowly 
But you still don’t get dressed.
We’ve tried getting dressed in your room
In my room
With music on 
With music off
Downstairs, upstairs, in the bathroom
With me leaving you to it
With me saying I’ll meet you downstairs
Hurry up warmer weather, help me out
You lived in your £2 dress and pants last summer
So quick to put on without even a shout
But what if it’s too small now…
…this phase may not be a phase at all.